Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Me: So I was thinking...

Jesus: I'm already not liking how this is starting

Me: I think i was having one of those not so great days

Jesus: Are you gonna start whining? You know I ain't got time for that shit

Me: no but... Hey why you gotta be all crass n shit. I'm like... sensative

Jesus: Did you just pull a stinky lump of shit out your ass n serve it like its fried chicken? The Colonel aint playin that

Me: Wow Fried Chicken sounds amazing!

Jesus: Uh uh. Dont try to avoid this topic... Dont tell me you're mr sensative when you got all these walls up. And if I were to come at you all sweet and sappy like that 2 footsteps in the sand suddenly turning into 1 set of steps crap, that other christians eat up, you would just barf ... immediately. You hate that sappy shit

Me: Damn... this is why you're Jesus. Perfect, you know how to come at me perfectly

Jesus: Now finish your story

Me: OK so I think I might actually have been thinking about food and knowing I need to work out and lose weight, or maybe I was thinking about wanting a boyfriend but always seem to only fall for straight guys

Jesus: thats def possible, that last one is always on your mind.

Me: So I was just kinda wandering in thought and thinking about how great it would be if things were perfect, like eat what i want with no consequences, not have to work, money not ever being an issue/problem. And my mind naturally started wandering towards hot ass boys

Jesus: Naturally... what everyone wants... of course

Me: Right! So I started thinking about heaven. And this got me thinking what heaven would be like, cuz the perfect heaven would have half or fully naked boys everywhere and they would all be kinda dorky and in love with me .... well not all of them, and jizz wouldnt be sticky, and there would be no children, and I could pluck fried chicken from trees without getting fat or getting my fingers dirty n greasy... BUT somehow still be able to lick my fingers and get flavor from holding the chicken

Jesus: That last part does sound amazing!

Me: Right!!! dont it? but then it got me thinking ... wait ... this wouldnt be heaven for everyone so what is the deal? Well maybe everyone can agree on the fried chicken... and the people that aint down with the chicken probably belong in hell. ... Heaven?

Jesus: What were you just telling me earlier?

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