Friday, October 10, 2008


I’ve been feeling the urge and need to write, whether it be stories, ideas, scripts, blogs, or just chicken scratch. I cant seem to find the time and space to do it. It’s so limited, yet I know I have wasted so much of it It feels like time is flowing like a leaking waterpipe and I only have my hands to catch it.

Its time for me to master time and own it, control it manipulate it...treat it like my little bitch. I to hardcode it in my head to see it like a film that I am planning and editing it in my head.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Been a while

I originally started this blog as a point in which my dichotomous ends would meet. Where my sarcastic biting irony and observations could coexist with my faith and reverence. Optimism and hope can collide with hard logic and reason.

It has been well over a year since I have written any blogs. My blogs seem to come and go in phases much the same as how often I check places like myspace or facebook.

I happened upon 2 news articles regarding Christianity (or religion) and homosexuality. The first one was a study on the affects that homophobia has had on Christianity. "Research into the declining respect for Christianity among young people has identitfied religious hostility to LGBT people as a major factor. An investigation by The Barna Group, an evangelical market research company, into the attitudes of Americans aged 16 to 29, makes grim reading for religious leaders. 91% of young non-Christians and 80% of young churchgoers said "anti-homosexual" describes Christianity. Further research found that both groups said that Christians "show excessive contempt and unloving attitudes towards gays and lesbians." For evangelical Christians, their hardline attitude toward gay people in recent decades has severely tarnished their image. The Barna Group reports: Young Christians told researchers that the church has made homosexuality a "bigger sin" than anything else and not helped them apply the biblical teaching on homosexuality to their friendships with gays and lesbians."

The other article is about Proposition 8 in California and the drive to ban gay marriage by multiple religious groups. Apparently several Protestants, Mormons, and Catholics are joining forces to bring a constitutional ban to gay marriage. Yet at the same time "The literature that volunteers distributed was intended to reinforce the campaign's message that the amendment is "pro-marriage and children" instead of anti-gay." How is it possible to claim that you are not anit-gay when the entire purpose of your campaign and amendment is to ban gay Marriage.

The only argument presented was that the definition of marriage has been between a man and women for as long as time. If the only basis for continuing a social tradition is longevity and/or tradition, it has no legal, logical, or even ethical or moral merit. This is even more so true when taking into account that in the U.S. there is supposed to be a separation of Church and state. So any religious definition is irrevelent to the law.

But when confronting this issue on religious and moral terms, those proposing a ban on gay marriage can still be found as unethical when judged against thier own religious beliefs, esp Christians. There are only a few Old Testament verses that can be trotted out to claim the evil sin of homosexuality. The same tired 2-3 are always used (because there really isnt that much on the topic). First, this is no more than any other sin represented in the Old Testament (in fact it isnt anywhere near the top of sins metioned, or talked about in the bible). Yet it is treated with the most vile outrage above any other sin by the Christian Church. Furthermore, as Christians, by defintion, the primary source of wisdom and guidance should come from Jesus Christ. Christ repeatedly highlighted that he came to fullfill the law. The Pharises repeatedly tried to test his faith and bring up arcane rules and laws from the Old Testament and Jesus repeatly sent the message, that it was not man's place to judge unless he had no sin himself.

Every parable Christ told and every action he took was in stark contrast the Pharises who perpetually tried to point out the sins of others, and were far too concentrated on law. This was not just in his parables sermons and stories. Jesus preferred to stay amoungst the lepers, the poor, the hookers, thieves, and every "sinner" the Pharises were against. Jesus was above unconditional love and respect, about loving all of God's creation, loving thy neighbor and thy enemy. It makes me angry and sad to realise, repeatedly that the majority of the Christian church really are not true Christians at heart, they are merely modern day Pharises. Yet they claim to be working for God and Jesus.

Is this really what you think God and Jesus are about? Hate? Fear? Judgement? Denial of rights? Sticking your nose in other people's private matters? (make no mistake, it is a private matter. Gays are not pushing for the promotion of gayness in public schools. The fear of this is merely the illogical reasoning based only on the slippery slope theory - which is predominantly only used, when real logical reasoning cannot be found).

Perhaps my anger on the matter is not just about human rights, homophobia, and equality. What is getting to me most is that all of this is stemming from such a false and unChrist-like place, yet it attempts to use the veil of Christianity as its moral ground. Jesus, the one actually represented in the Bible and not the one made up by modern "Christians", would never have supported such behaviour and condemnation especially through manmade laws.

I guess I shouldnt be so dissappointed or angry as I do have my own personal relationship with God, and that is what matters. It is comforting to KNOW that God is nothing like these people.