Sunday, February 4, 2007

How 'bout them Bears?

Me: So its Super bowl Sunday!

Jesus: I know! I can't wait wait to find out who wins!

Me: Wait... shut up

Jesus: Aren't you excited like every other redblooded American?

Me: Well I wont be able to watch because I work

Jesus: Sucks to be you... This thing is like bigger than Jesus, well football is bigger than Jesus in Ameica, as opposed to futbol

Me: That aint right, dont go all Lennon on me. To be honest I'm not as interested this year

Jesus: Oh come on! Hot sweaty guys in tight pants tackling each other and getting all dirty? You know you love it

Me: I dont know

Jesus: It's cuz your Tommy isnt there isnt it?

Me: Wow you really get me.

Jesus: Ya I gave Peyton more talent and the numbers ... but that Tom Brady he got some talent and all the looks and 3 rings

Me: I guess that kinda balances out a little. I think I would have settled for Phillip Rivers too

Jesus: Not as hot as Brady though... damn

Me: Now you're scaring me.

Jesus: You love it when I cater my persona to yours...

Me: Dude there's a line, and I think you crossed it

Jesus: I'm comfortable with my...

Me: WOW ... thats like Parents talking about... it... switch topics

Jesus: How 'bout those Bears? Rex Grossman aint that....

Me: Hahahah Stop it... he is sorta cute though

Jesus: I was gonna say he aint as bad as everyone is saying... Don't you watch for anything but the cutie QBs? And what... bears aren't your preference?

Me: I'm not answering that... I enjoy watching the game, I just follow the teams with the hot QBs... Can you start letting the Cardinals and the Buccaneers win and get more coverage?

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Hold on!

Me: I'm wuite proud of myself

Jesus: What did you do?

Me: No no, its what I didn't do!

Jesus: Is this where I'm supposed to tell you to go on? I kinda feel like I might regret it.

Me: I didn't grab of fondle one single tit last nite! Isnt that great? Not ONE! Well I grazezd a couple of them but that was purely accidental. And comlimenting some girl on her how I'm strangly drawn to her boobies when she's got a tattoo across the entire set... Well I can't be blamed for that ... and I didnt even touch them!

Jesus: You really feel special for not touching them?

Me: Ya, I was drunk and you know how appealing they can be when there is not gay cock in the room... OK there was, but I didnt want any of those penises. Do you want me to grab penis instead? ... that is kinda hard to get at too.

Jesus: What?

Me: There is more of an angle, and they are hidden behind pants, usually jeans. That's thicker material than a thin tshirt or tank top. Boobies... those are a clean straight shot Bam, you're there.

Jesus: You just shouldnt be grabbing girls boobies like that.

Me: You made them!

Jesus: Yes, but you shouldnt be grabbibg tits, and besides you're gay!

Me: Dude, send me some good penis and I'll grab it and hold on to it for life! And not straight penis! I have enough problems with that. No more str8 penis, unless you turn it homo without any drama

But arent you proud... I didnt grab 1!!!

Jesus: Wow... its like watching a graduation or baby taking its first steps Im so proud

Me: Seriously, that took some effort. It super hard when there is no good gay penis around , and even if there were its sometimes intimidating. But Ijeoma and Maria helped, they had to scold me not to grab anything last nite. See, once you send me some penis I can hold on to, I wont need to dick around with boobies. Thanks for my own penis, I love it, but i need another, with a cute intelligent charming goofy dorky boy attached.

Jesus: Just hold on to your wood. It will happen soon enough